Phone: 01392 841532
Mobile: 07860 710532
"Insurance write-off" is a phrase which is spoken with caution in the automotive industry. There are endless articles filled with why you should always be aware of insurance write-offs and why you should never buy insurance write-offs.
Car insurance companies work to strict guidelines. In the event of an accident claim, your insurance providers have a duty to return the car to the condition it was in before the accident. Depending on which workshops and parts are used, the damage sustained and the structural safety of the car, the costs can soon add up for the insurer. When the car is deemed too expensive to repair or found to be unsafe to be driven, it's declared "written off". Instead of paying the cost to repair the vehicle, the insurer will pay out a cash amount for the loss of the vehicle.
This is why insurance write-offs are not necessarily the evil it's portrayed to be. A simple cosmetic scrape on a new car can see it declared a Category N (previously Cat D), because the assessor has deemed the cost of the repair and paintwork as being higher than the market value of the vehicle, even if there are no structural damage whatsoever.
Insurance Categories
Category A
These are usually results of serious crashes and accidents. These cars are damaged beyond repair and must only be scrapped. You must not salvage any parts from the vehicle.
Category B
These cars have received major structural damage and should not be repaired and driven again. However, if any usable parts are to be salvaged, it needs to be inspected by a certified mechanic to ensure its safety.
Category S (Previously Category C)
There are moderate to minor damage to the vehicle frame or chassis which can be repaired, but either the owner or the insurer has decided not to the repair the vehicle. If a car has been previously listed as Category S and since then repaired, it must be done by a certified mechanic and any records must be kept. The vehicle registration document must be marked with an "S" to make buyers aware and for them to check that any repairs are carried out by reputable, qualified individuals.
Category N (Previously Category D)
Any damages the vehicle received is simply cosmetic. There are no damages to the structural integrity of the car, but the insurer has decided not to repair the vehicle. It's worth noting that even though there are no structural damages, you may need to inspect other critical safety systems to ensure the car is safe to drive.

How Do I Scrap
Insurance Write Off's
Mobile: 07860 710532 | Phone: 01392 841532 | Email: scrapmanleeky@gmail.com