Authorised Treatment

Phone: 01392 841532
Mobile: 07860 710532
There are procedures which must be followed if you want to scrap your vehicle. First, the DVLA provides a list of registered ATFs so you can be sure you are working with genuine experts who can dispose of and recycle your car in an environmentally friendly manner. If you are not keeping any parts of your vehicle, you should apply to take the registration number off the vehicle.
There can be a penalty fine if you fail to inform the DVLA that you've taken your vehicle to an ATF. You are still the legal registered owner and keeper of the vehicle, even if it has been scrapped.
If you wish to take parts off your vehicle, you should keep it off the road. You should still apply to have the number plates removed, and take necessary safety precautions when removing parts. Bear in mind that if essential parts of the vehicle have been removed, such as the gearbox, wheels or bodywork, the ATF may choose to ask an additional fee.

Authorised Treatment Facilities are registered with local authorities and the Environment Agency. They are the only facility which can legally issue the necessary paperwork for an End of Life Vehicle and effectively recycle them according to legislation.
If you have decided to scrap your car for one reason or another, it's important that you ensure you only work with an Authorised Treatment Facility. Only they can issue genuine Certificate of Destructions which legally removes your details and liabilities from the DVLA database. After the inspection, if the facility has decided to salvage any parts from your vehicle, this will be clearly indicated on your paperwork.
It's currently a legal requirement that all End of Life vehicles have to be recycled to help reduce the impact on the environment. One way you can help towards this is by only working with an Authorised Treatment Facility. P W Leek Scrap Metals are proud to have an excellent relationship with Devon's local ATF with an efficient and reliable collection service. All necessary paperwork will be checked and completed at the time of collection.

Mobile: 07860 710532 | Phone: 01392 841532 | Email: scrapmanleeky@gmail.com